Soggy April In the Garden

    ....So here we are into the middle of April.  It's cold, it's blustery, and very, very wet.  But this is a good thing for the plants and trees.  As I've walked around the soggy garden to consider my gardening option for this planting season I can see that the faithful herbs and flowers of spring are popping up.  Everything is a glorious bright and fresh green.  The lavender doesn't look like much yet, but a it dries out a bit in May it will perk up.  Meanwhile, the daffodils are blooming their little hearts out and there are jonquils right behind them.  I can't wait for the tulips to bloom.  They are my favorite flower.  There's nothing like bundles and bundles of freshly cut tulips to put me in my happy place!  Do I have enough tulips to produce bundles and bundles?  That's a no, thanks to the terrorist squirrels who raided my gardens and ate most of my tulip bulbs.  Hope you guys enjoyed those tasty morsels. 
     Some of the herbs that are coming along are the Sweet Cicely and tansy.  Slowly the several types of thymes in my pots and garden beds are greening up.  I noticed the ever present Forget-Me-Nots are everywhere.  Lungwort is doing well with its dual color display.  And in spite of the wetness in the beds the Bleeding Hearts are about 12 inches tall.  The first warm, dry day will produce blossoms on those delicate stalks.  It should be fun to see if any sunflowers sprout from the residue that fell from the bird feeding stations I had through the winter in my gardens.  Lambs Ear is looking a bit soggy, but it will survive the wet garden beds.  I vowed to harvest enough to make a wreath from those fuzzy grey leaves.
    And so, I am lining up my clay pots, just waiting for that bright sunny day to start potting the house plants that need to go outside.  I am so done with them being inside the studio!  And the wind could ease up a bit, too.  Can't even go kite flying yet.  But it's coming!  Then the dilemma will be weather to play in the garden or to go fly a kite!  (Yes, I did say that..LOL!)


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