Spring Surprises at Johnson House...

   ...A few days ago I was attempting to clean up around the flower beds around my back door.  It was warm and I was feeling the inspiration to put new wreaths and door decorations up in honor of spring and the sunshine.  When I looked up at the baskets I had displayed at one edge of the garage door I saw that it had already been spoken for.  A robin had already made her nest and was sitting on eggs.  Well, okay, I thought.  So I'll wait for another time to change my decorations.  As it turned out, that was a good plan.  Last night we had terrible winds with gusts up to 60 miles an hour.  My indoor kitties were nervous but not totally freaked.  They did, however, stay very close to me the entire night.  It was so noisy with the high winds rattling everything that I went downstairs to curl up on the couch and watch the Weather Channel.  Since the prediction for the high winds to calm down was 10AM, I did the best I could to ignore the roar and get some sleep.  Once I was up and about in the morning, I remembered the robin and her nest.  "Wonder if she road out the storm successfully?"  As I cautiously looked out of the back door there she was, sitting the vigil.  I hadn't looked at the nest during the night so I am not sure she stayed with it through the high winds, but this morning, there she was.  "Good girl!" I thought.  She must have picked the right spot for that nest to stay there through those rough winds.  I for one am impressed.  So now we are waiting for the special day when the babies hatch and we hear "beebie chirpings".  It's always such a busy place here at Johnson House. 


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