Ah, the water lilies!   What a great time I had capturing these images!  Ira Trailhead never fails to produce some great stuff to photograph.  All summer it was too hot and humid to get out to do any photographing so I am lean in the images department this year.  Last year I shared a lot of images compared to this year.  But now the weather is much better.  We have fall temps and I am hoping to capture some of those rolling misty fog scenes that are creeping onto the area.  This passed weekend I attended and herb fair at Quailcrest Herb Farm in Wooster, Ohio, and I also found my way to the art show in Kent at Fred Fuller Park.  Even though there was a little rain, both shows were a lot of fun.  Armed with my modest budget I managed to purchase some bundles of Sweet Annie and a few little herb plants.  A couple of arty bookmarks caught my eye so I indulged myself with them as well.  The coveted outdoor sausage sandwiches, ever present at most outdoor shows, became my lunch.  Quailcrest had their mint lemonade available and I made sure I had a bit of that, too.  Just hanging out at this outdoor event was my day's vacation.  The next day I spent a few hours at the Kent art show.  I walked around talking to some of the artists I knew and to some who became new acquaintances.  Part of the enjoyment of the outdoor shows is getting to schmooze the with exhibitors.  I miss doing the shows.  Getting to talk with the public about the stuff you do as an artist is stimulating to me as a creative person.  I need that feedback.  Armed with a bit of socializing with fellow artisans and a precious treasure of earrings I travelled home, feeling that I had been to another land.  Having gone to Kent State in the late 60's/early 70's, I always find it amusing to see the time warp that the Kent art show lives in.  The musical entertainment produced a rock sound that made the show sound like Kent from the 70's.  There were plenty of guys who had that same long ponytail hairstyles from the 60's/70's, just grey now after all those decades of time passage.  I couldn't help wondering if they knew that there was a world outside of Kent that had very much changed in its look.  It was a little like being caught in a hippie version of Brigadoon.  I gave a slight shudder at that thought.  Loving the bohemian vibe of that show, still, it was time to go.  I can only stand so much time travel at a time.  And of course, the moon is full, too.  How weird was all this going to get, anyway?  I knew it was time to go when the Renaissance group was getting ready for their joust.  Really?!!!  Somehow my mundane home and gardens were looking a lot better to me now. 
    I'm glad I caught these hosta blossoms while they still looked so wonderful.  Late summer and fall usually give me the best images.  Glorious, just glorious!


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