Remembering to Remember...

    The day is raining off and on with bits of rolling thunder, and an occasional streak of lightning.  It is nothing like that sunny September day ten years ago when life would forever change in America.  We were so naive then, thinking that the violence of terrorism would never touch the United States.  It was incomprehensible to most Americans.  Never had Americans seen masses of her own people walking across bridges and piling onto boats to cross the harbor, everyone trying to get out of the city any way they could.  The expressions on all the faces was that of shock and worry.  Cell phones didn't work and no one was able to get a message to their loved ones that they were okay.  A worried nation sat glued to their televisions not knowing what else to do.  But it didn't take the country long to rally.  And America did what she does best, start rebuilding, digging deep into her wallet for money, and sending any help of any kind to make the situation better.  The enemy had grossly under-estimated the resilience of the American people.  We may have gotten lazy in our purpose as Americans and a bit off on our goals as a nation, but one thing I did see was that when tragedy struck it affected everyone.  We began to reassess our purpose in life.  That day was a wake-up call for much of the nation on many levels.  We dusted off our Bibles and many renewed their relationship with God.  We realized that what we did on an everyday basis just wasn't as purposeful as it could be, and many of us changed our life goals.  Our jobs weren't just all about money anymore.  We knew that we needed to have some real purpose that would help our fellow Americans and help this nation to be strong and unified again.  And now, ten years later, where are we?  Ten years ago there were flags everywhere you looked.  Today, not so many flags were flying.  Have we gotten slack again in our purpose?  Don't let that happen.  We need to remember that the American flag is our symbol of freedom and of the American way of life.  It's too easy for those of us who were not there in New York to let things slide when it comes to the observances of that tragic day.  Shake yourself and remember to keep your flag ready to fly at the slightest provocation.  If you are reading this blog, you are one of the fortunate ones who was not there when the Twin Towers were destroyed.  I did not know anyone who was killed in the attack there in New York, but I felt the pain of such loss of life.  I watch all the stories of the event until I can't bear any more.  It hurts, but I am determined not to forget what happened on that fateful day.  I have always been one Christian who prays for the United States.  I have never been able to look at a flag without tears welling up in my eyes.  I pray for our leaders and I pray for the American people to humble themselves before God.  God has blessed this nation and its people for over 200 years.  When the word remember is attached to the numbers 9/11, let it also be a reminder to honor God.  Without Him we are at the mercy of our enemies.  Take to heart the Bible scriptures from II Chronicles 7:14, "If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  If you want to change this nation for the greater good, you can.  Prayer has power  to change the world.  Just imagine what America could be if everyone in the country got on their knees praying and honoring God? The word remember doesn't just stand for the tragedy of 9/11.  Remember means that we should honor all Americans who have sacrificed for this country by remembering the God who gave us this country.  Remember...and pray.   May God bless America!


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