Snowflake Celebration....

    ...It's snowing today!  Nothing heavy, but it's a light dusting that could stack up eventually.  It has been tough to think of Christmas without snow.  Growing up here in Ohio, an integral part of the holiday was the addition of snow.  With no snow, what is a person to do with a new sled under the old Christmas tree?  I can remember getting to go with my cousins to one of the local parks sledding on Christmas day.  My childhood home had a yard that was terraced and that made for good sledding, too.  But I do remember one snowless Christmas in particular when I received my first 2-wheeler bicycle from Santa.  Sharp Christmas cookie that I was, I remarked to my dad that I noticed that there was a little mud on the tires.  Not to be thrown by that observation my dad told me that due to not having any snow that year Santa had to roll the bike in from the driveway instead of bringing it by the usual rooftop sleigh method.  It sounded a little fishy to me, but if my dad said so, then it must be so.  Why would he lie to me?  Right? 
     Later in life I took up cross-country skiing.  I chose the cross-country style to hopefully avoid broken bones when I fell.  So far, so good!  Another thing I like about snow on Christmas day is being able to hit the trails at a local park to ski along with my camera equipment.  The air is crisp and smells divine.  The quietude of the pristine trails is amazing.  That is much appreciated after the frenzied cacophony of retail holidays!  Do I still stick my tongue out to catch snowflakes?  Okay, you caught me!  Guilty pleasures from childhood past.  Too bad I don't have that recipe for snowflake ice cream, though it's no longer recommended to make due to the air pollution of the day. Nothing stays the same. 
     So, this season I am looking to see what new tradition I can create for my holiday celebrations.  Some of the old things need replacing as the times change.  Still, I have good memories, and those can stay with me wherever I go.  Tie a bow on those memories and enjoy them again this holiday season as you watch it snow, whether it's in your own back yard or on the Weather Channel!   The winter solstice is coming up on the 21st, and I think it is most appropriate that it is symbolized by the snowflake.   So, do something fun that is snowflake related.  Read the book about Snowflake Bentley and wear some jewelry that has a snowflake on it.  In some way, celebrate snow!  (Check with me at the end of March to see if I'm as enthusiastic about snow as I am now, but for now I am going to enjoy it!)


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