Treasure Hunting In December...

    ...Still terrifically warm here in Ohio for December.  Today was partially sunny, and that was enough to lure me outdoors for a walk with the camera at the Seiberling Nature Realm.  Trees were devoid of leaves for the most part which allowed other special treasures to be found.  Most of the colors were that of dark bark on bare trees and with that neutral background the bright green mosses on logs jumped out at me.  I couldn't resist that soft carpet gently draping over the otherwise dreary logs.  Bright red was the next striking color in the scenery as I encountered winterberry shrubs.  Red from the ornamental crabapple trees decorated some of the higher tree areas located near the dove cotes at the nature realm.  As I walked along the trail I was amazed to find one last dandelion still sporting a modest yellow blossom.  I'm convinced that long after the world ends there will still be cockroaches and dandelions outlasting all humanity.  Amongst the textures of dried weeds teasel sported their spikey beauty in the breeze.  I can remember helping my grandmother to gather teasel in the fall.  She made interesting wreaths with them, then spray painted them various colors.  Of course there were gold ones sporting red bows during the holidays.  It was hard to not take some of the teasel from the trail, but I behaved myself.  "Sorry, Grandma.  It's a public park.  Can't get our teasel here!"  

       And now today, Monday. I think the cold is here to stay in Ohio, but the sunshine has been around for two days.  No snow yet.  I think it's okay with no snow so far, though I am looking forward to cross-country skiing eventually.  I did find another mercury glass treasure.  The perfect little acorn ornament sparkled at me, so I just had to snatch it up!  One more step toward Christmas decorating. 


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