Johnson House Bruncheon...

     "...And she snowed, and she blowed"...finally, a bit of snow here in Ohio.  Or at least it was a bit of flurry for us.  I have missed having a real, snowy winter this year.  Don't shoot me for feeling that way.  I am still a snow bunny after all these years.  So, you can understand that I was cheered up when the brief flurries blew through while I was dining in my favorite cafe.  There was no accumulation of snow, but just having all those delightful snowflakes around kind of made my day.  It was as though somebody shook up the local snow globe for a minute or two. 
      I am trapped between two worlds.  While I love seeing it snow, I am eager for little green things to start showing up in the gardens.  Just as I was about to empty a bottle that I'd put pineapple sage cuttings into, I discovered that they had rooted.  It's a sign, it's a sign!  Start potting those crazy things!  And my chervil has survived all winter on my porch.  I had thought it would be too cold for it, but there it is, green and lacy.  Time to start my seedlings.  We all know how much I do not like indoor plants.  I can hardly wait for it to be warm enough to take all these pots of herbs outside.  I do need to start my gardening plans for this spring.  This is the time of year that I create graphs and pictures of how I would like to change my gardens.  Since I may be moving to a new location, container creations will be my emphasis.

    This morning I found myself awake at 5AM.  As I wondered around the house getting a cup of tea and wondering why I was wide awake so early, I stood looking out my kitchen window.  Looking back at me were no less than five deer who had wandered into my garden.  "Ye Gads!  So that's who's been eating the birdseed I keep putting out!"  They were unperturbed by my looking out of the window at them.  Yes, I could have shooed them away by stepping outside, but why should I?  It was cold, they were hungry and I had noticed that one of them was encumbered by a broken leg.  Though I felt bad for the critter, I couldn't do anything about that, either.  How weird it is that all these animals are coming to Johnson House.  I know that the deer managed their way from the golf course that is located on the other side of the block from my house.  But 5 of them?  Really?  And two days ago I awoke to beautiful sunshine, topped off with the sight of two turkey vultures sitting in the neighbor's tree.  They were huge and ugly.  I know it is time for them to return to Hinkley as they do at this time in March, but hey, keep moving you guys.  You're creepin' me out!  Another of the critter adventures at Johnson House is that of the raccoons who crawl up the side of my house to scamper across the roof.  A few nights ago I could hear a horrible scrapping sound and went outside to see what was going on.  It turned out to be a raccoon who was on the roof overhanging my bay window.  He seemed to be intent on tearing off the shingles for some unknown reason.  I went inside and grabbed my broom.  Smacking the broom against the gutters I let the raccoon know that I didn't approve of his activities.  Turning on the outside light probably had more to do with discouraging him from staying on the roof.  Normally I don't leave my outside lights on in the evening, but I have started doing so just to keep the raccoons from getting any ideas.  Between the deer and the raccoons raiding the birdseed I've put out for my feathered friends, it is a wonder there is anything left for the birds!  I am getting tired of the bird feeder being knocked off its perch, but now I know how that is happening.  So much for the guest bruncheon at Johnson House.  Need I mention the chipmunk who stuffs his cheeks to capacity as well?  I have noticed that the 6 squirrels who brazenly hang off the trees and shrubs are getting fatter.  Oh well!  At least most allow the occasional photo to be shot while they dine at their leisure.  So, I suppose I should be considering this year's gardening to include edible landscaping so that people can stop by for a nibble, too.  Seeing people would be long as they aren't tripping over all these munching animals.  A friend of mine quipped that I was going to some extraordinary means to entertain my kitties.  Yeah, it's all for them!  Now if I could just train the raccoons to re-shingle the roof...


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