Clover On St. Patrick's Day...

     Warm breezes gently blow across Lake Anna in Barberton today.  It is 70 degrees here in Ohio.  We have had such a mild winter this passed year.  With recent rains and warm temperatures, the grasses are greening up quite nicely.  The swans and the Canadian geese swam up to me hoping for a snack of bread or some goodie for them.  I was empty-handed.  Sorry guys, maybe tomorrow!
      Yesterday, I began some of the spring clean-up in my yard.  Several storms with high winds had helped to cover the yard with a lot of dead wood that will be great for a bondfire.  Let the bonfires of Norton begin!  Neighbors come out of hibernation mode to spruce up their yards and to make the gardens ready for the explosion of color soon to come.  I have notice that the periwinkles have been blooming for about a week and a half now.  It has been delightful to put some of the hardier house plants outdoors.  I'll be thrilled when I can take all the plants in the studio outside and leave them there for the spring and summer. 
      Some of the herbs are beginning to poke their heads through the moist soil once again.  Already the lungwort is several inches tall.  Right behind them will be the lily of the valley.  Can't wait for that wonderful perfume of spring!

      Returning to Barberton for a walk around Lake Anna is part of the preparation for spring.  An inspection of spring flowers is an important part of my rituals of spring.  Though my own daffodils have not opened up yet, the ones surrounding the O.C. Barber statue at the lake are fully open and looking glorious.  One of the homes around the lake was sporting deep purple crocus in its front yard.  Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day.  As I walked around the lake, I did notice a lot of clover at the edges of the sidewalks.  I didn't find any 4-leaf clovers, but I still felt the Irish flavor of the clover nonetheless.  Looking fondly at the clover I remembered some of its lore.  It is said that St. Patrick used the clover to illustrate the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I guess a 4-leaf clover would mean that we are included in God's blessings, and that we are pretty lucky to have such a loving God in our lives.  That reminds me to be thankful for something as humble as a simple clover. So with that thought, here's wishing everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day!


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