Dragonfly Summer...

...Sitting in the car waiting on a friend, I wondered where all the dragonflies had been all summer.  In the past I had been graced with morning visits from a sleek bejeweled  beauty who I named Delilah.  Flitting from herbs in my garden to sitting on my teacup she stayed for a short visit every morning for a week. Those special visits usually began in late spring or early summer. As the season progressed my morning tea party was also visited by delightful bees and a parade of spectacular butterflies.  Not so this year. Murderous heat has me indoors and few winged visitors have stopped by.   But today as I waited in the car, a dragonfly the size of a corporate jet hovered in front of me.  Wow!!! Finally, a dragonfly sighting!  As it hovered in front of me it looked as if it was about to say, "Where have you been?  I've been looking all over for you!"  Since that day I have had several more dragonfly sightings...apparently the word as to my whereabouts has been on the wind.
      It is late summer and I for one am looking forward to cooler temperatures and the joys of fall.  For now there are butterflies everywhere.  That makes me happy.  I have even seen a few precious honey bees.  Surely cooler days are on their way.  I hope we have a long autumn that we can savor like fine wine before the winter snow make their way to Ohio.  A little rain would be welcome also. Meanwhile  I will continue to water my precious little herb garden and say hello to my few winged visitors until things cool off.  Maybe I will actually manage to capture a few photos of dragonflies, too.  I am fondly remembering morning tea with Delilah.  Send it on the wind, my regards, dear Delilah...


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