Summer Kiss...

  Feu...a kiss; a fire
   Embrasser (ahn-bra-say) kiss, hug, enfold, take up
   Embraser (ahn-bra-zay) set fire to, to catch fire

    ...The French have the best words about the ways of love and passion.  Even something as seemingly as simple as a kiss can ignite the senses.  While driving home one evening I happened to be travelling through downtown Akron, which caused me to pass by the local art movie theatre.  As I zoomed by I spotted a couple standing in front of the theatre.  As I slowed down for the changing traffic light I watched the two as they positioned themselves in front of each other.  The fella was dressed in casual slacks and a short-sleeved dress shirt appropriate for a date on a very hot and humid evening.  Wearing a simple summer frock, the lady stepped closer as the man cautiously placed his hands at her waist.  In one fluid movement the lady wrapped her arms around the shy gentleman and planted one of the most passionate kisses on him I have ever witnessed,  Frankly, it caught me by surprise,  Though I was alone in my car I exclaimed, "Oh my gosh!" at the passionate action.  Normally I don't care to see public display of affection, but in this case it was pure and uncomplicated, a heart flutter, if you will.  For a moment I felt like a voyeur as I viewed the kiss and embrace.  I have no idea what was playing at the theatre, but it couldn't have held a candle to the show out front.  That kiss was no sloppy, poorly executed exercise performed by heavily pierced, overly tatooed teenagers.  These were adults who lived life more simply and unabashed.  No complications or crazy expectations, no fear here.  All of these impressions by me were captured within the time span of 10 to 15 seconds.  But then, how long does it take to set a fire?  Now I understand what the French have always known.  And all I can say is "Wow!"


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