Suddenly Summer...Recollections of Summers Past...
At last it is Memorial Day, and the weather is hot and humid in Ohio. As I have worked on cleaning up my garden and the flower beds my memories drift back to all the smells and sounds of summer. I'm remembering Great Grandma Annie because of her birthday which usually fell on Decoration Day. Setting off small fire crackers in her front yard, and playing with sparklers as the sun set were some of the activities of the day. But the day usually began with my family of grandparents, cousins and assorted friends all walking uptown from Great Grandma's house to attend the town parade. It was a very small town, and the parade was not as spectacular as some I have attended, but when you're a kid, every parade is a big deal. Especially one that you can walk to from a grandma's house. And sometimes that meant that we could all have a lemonade from the local stand in town. Ice cream came later! Of course there was...