...Well, it finally hit the 82 degree mark here in the Akron area.  That's how May goes for us.  One day we are a chilly 40 degrees, the next we hit the 80's.  I'm not quite ready for it to be that hot, but I'm not going to complain.  And at least it isn't raining.  Now the riding mower won't leave rut marks whenever I mow.  The irony of it is that I woke up to my neighbor mowing my yard at 7AM.  Thanks...I think...   Guess I didn't get to it fast enough to suit him.  But  now the lawn is mowed and things are looking a bit better around here.  To my great delight I was finally able to drag the last of my herbs out of the studio.  Yea! No more potted plants inside the house.  We all know how much I hate taking care of indoor plants.  But I'm still not in the gardening groove yet.  The potted plants that were already outside were so badly wilted from the heat I had to hurry up and water everybody before I lost them.  No more ignoring the plants.                                      
    Cleaning up everything around my back door will be done without any guilty feelings as the little robin who built her nest there is gone.  I watched for two days and nights.  She left and never came back.  I was getting worried.  As I looked around checking for blue eggshells, I found nothing.  Today I decided to take down  the basket where she had built her nest.  No eggs.  I'm beginning to think that she never managed to lay her eggs.  I sure hope I didn't disturb her enough to interrupt the whole process.  But she is gone.  The other     news is that another robin managed to set up housekeeping in a loose eave at the front of my house.  And   yes, we have noisy beebie chirps coming from that spot.  I guess that high wind damage will have to wait a  bit longer for repair.  There won't be any pictures of them, though.  I'd need a cherry picker to accomplish   that!  So life goes on as it warms up here at Johnson House.  
     For those of you who have been curious about eating fiddleheads, I have another recipe for you.  Try this one... 
                                               Fiddleheads and Soba Primavera (serves 4) 
                                8 ounces soba or udon noodles             2 tablespoons olive oil                               
                                1/2cup vegetable stock                            1 red bell pepper, cut into matchsticks
                                1/4 cup tamari or soy sauce                   6 shiitaki mushrooms, caps thinly sliced         
                                 1 tablespoon rice vinegar                      1 cup fresh or frozen fiddleheads, trimmed    
                                 1 tablespoon tahini or peanut butter       1 cup snow or sugar sanp peas, trimmed      
                                 2 teaspoons fresh grated ginger             1 can (8 ounces) water chestnuts, drained      
                                 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil                         and thinly sliced                                  
                                 1 tablespoon corn starch           1/2 cup almonds    
        1. In a large saucepan of boiling, salted water, cook noodles for 4 to 5 minutes or according to the     
            package directions, until dente.  Drain and rinse with cool water. 
        2. Meanwhile, in a bowl, combine vegetable stock, tamari, rice vinegar, tahini, ginger and sesame        
            oil.  Whisk in cornstarch and set aside. 
        3. In a wok or large, deep saucepan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat.  Add red pepper and stir-fry
            for 2 minutes.  Add mushrooms and fiddleheads and stir-fry for 2 minutes or until the fiddleheads are
            crisp-tender.  Add snow peas and stir-fry for 2 minutes.  Add broth misture and bring to 
            simmer. Simmer, stirring occasionally for 1 or 2 minutes or until mixture is thickened.  Toss with
            cooked noodles and water chestnuts and heat through.  Garnish with almonds.


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