In spurts there is a bit of sunshine today.  I say that cautiously as there is more rain predicted for later in the day.  Even so, the lily-of-the-valley seem to be undauntedly pushing out their wonderful little blossoms.  Is it any wonder that gardeners think of the fairies in the garden when they look at the little flowers that look so much like a little lady's bonnet.  And the aroma is the essence of spring itself.  It is my gift to everyone at work to take in small bouquets of lily-of-the-valley to share with everyone.  I am greatly blessed with enough to usually harvest about a half dozen or so of generous bouquets.  One day I saw one of my co-workers sitting at a table in our lounge holding one of the little bottles that held a bouquet of the fragrant flowers.  She sat with her eyes closed as she inhaled the intoxicating aroma.  "You're really enjoying those little gems, aren't you?" I said to her.  "Oh, you have no idea what this means to me," she responded.  At that she began to relate as to how that fragrance of lily-of-the-valley transported her to a happier time in her life.  She had been having an especially stressful time in her life lately and the aromatherapy effect of the flowers had meant a lot to her.  "Take them home with you," I told her.  "I have more to bring in."  "Really?!!!  I would love to have these! Thanks so much!" she exclaimed.  The next day she told me about how she had put the bouquet on the table in her breakfast room.  She had forgotten about the flowers for the time being and when she got up in the morning her whole breakfast room smelled of wonderful lily-of-the-valley.  I was thrilled to think that I had given someone such a special gift that would bless them and keep blessing them.  A week or so later my co-worker said to me, "I have something for you."  With that, she handed me a bouquet of chocolate daisies!  "I don't have a garden, but I do have chocolate," she told me.  "I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful lilies-of-the-valley flowers.  They helped cheer me up when I most needed it."  Since that time I have made a point to take in the harvest from my gardens to share at work, making sure to have one extra for that co-worker to take home.  She looks forward to it, and I look forward to giving the special little flowers to her.
     And with all of the rain this year my sweet cicely plants are growing quite tall.  Right now they are blossoming, making for white lace all over my gardens.  May seems to be a month of blue and white.  The forget-me-nots and the periwinkles are providing all the blue so far.  I know that June will progress into the pink and red flowers soon.  For now I am enjoying all the white and blue around me.  And of course there is green, green, green everywhere.  It's a great switch from winter's white, white, white.  Hello, summer!  Drier days are on their way, and I can't wait!


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