The fiddleheads are coming, the fiddleheads are coming!

      The fiddleheads are here!  Even with all the rain and cold temps here in Ohio the fiddlehead ferns have virtually shot out of the ground.  Catching them early enough before their fronds open fully is the trick.  Though I have seen a recipe or two for sauteing them in orange juice I admit to not having tried this spring treat as of yet.  Hmm...could this be the year...I'll get back to you on that one.  In the meantime I can see the money plant blossoming here and there.  Those blossoms used to be purple, but now all of them are coming in white. It may be time to add a bit of diluted pickle juice to my soil to add a bit of acid to my limey soil.  Even the bleeding hearts that are blooming no longer come in pink.  They, too, are white.  It is always fun to see the blue forget-me-nots fade into mauve as spring progresses.  The lungwort has those same two-toned blossoms along with its spotted leaves.  I can remember when I first heard about pouring pickle juice onto hydrangeas to make them come in china blue.  The thought of deep blue blossoms thrilled me so I immediately poured a whole jar of pickle juice onto the root base of my blue hydrangeas.  No one told me to dilute the pickle juice, and I nearly killed my plant!  But it survived my ignorance, and by golly, I did have amazingly blue hydrangeas.  Note to self...always dilute the pickle juice! 


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